Flags are so much fun to create !
Especially when you can use items you already have .
I pretty much had everything on hand for this project.
Here’s what I used .
Supplies needed:
• long piece of board
• 3 wooden stars ( you can cut them out of cardboard if you don’t have any on hand )
• napkin for the stars ( you can paint them instead)
• wire for hanger ( you can use twine if you don’t have any )
• Hot Glue
• masking tape ( or paint tape )
• White , Blue, Black and Red paint
• Clear Elmer’s glue or Mod Podge
• raffia and material for a bow
• Dixie Belle wax brown (or brown paint)

I used a left over piece of wood I had in my work shop.
It was the perfect length.
I did drill two hole on top for the hanger.
I drew a line for the top part that I wanted to paint Blue.
Just judge how far you want it to be by the size of your board.

This is the blue I used.

I actually had enough for one coat !🤣

I had these stars from a previous project so I thought they would be perfect.

I also had this one napkin I actually got a couple of years ago from Barb with The Shabby Tree as a giveaway. 😀
The stars on it was perfect for covering my stars!

I used Elmer’s glue to apply them on.

I let them all dry before sanding off the edges .

Here they are ! I love how they look.

I took my masking tape and covered the bottom half of my board .

Make sure your strips of tape are nice and straight also press down on them so they are on the board firmly.

I then pulled off every other one .

Then I got ready to paint my red stripes . This is the color red I used.

I’m sure you noticed that I didn’t paint the other stripes white.
I really liked that creamy tan color the board already had so I wanted to leave those that color .
You can paint your board white ,then once it’s completely dry you can put your tape on it and then pull every other strip to paint red . I do recommend using paint tape if you do that to make sure your paint doesn’t come off when you remove the tape .

I gave this red two coats .

Then when dry I removed the tape.

I then glued my stars on the top part of my board.

I used my Dixie Belle wax in brown to grunge my board up a little. You don’t have to do this step if you don’t want to .

I always love the look it gives it.

I then added my wire hanger.
This is a 20 gage wire.

I wrapped it threw the hole leaving a little piece sticking out.

I always like taking that little piece of wire and then wrapping it around a paint brush to curl the ends!

I just love those little touches!

Look how adorable that looks!

I then lightly sanded my board to give it that distressed look.

I did the top area too.

I then used white first then black to speckle my board using an old toothbrush for that step .

Again to me those little steps add to it! Making it unique.

I love that look too!

Then I took a little material and some raffia to make a bow .

I love having these coffee stained tags handy when I need them .

I used one of my Tags that I had already coffee stained and painted this quick and simple Flag on it using my watercolors .

The Happy 4th of July tag added the perfect touch.

I simply love the way this Flag turned out!
I hope you give this fun project a try !
Please make sure you are following us on Facebook for daily inspiration and crafting ideas!
Happy creating!
4th of July Hang tags