Hi there I’m back again with a super easy project! this is a great gift for all your Snowmen lovers that you know! Heck who isn’t!! These make great gifts they are quick and easy and are light weight for mailing! So let’s jump on in! Supplies you will need ..

•Plastic or wooden spoon
•acrylic paint
•a fine point marker
•whatever kind of embellishments you want to use with a little ribbon and Jude

First give them some cheeks! I like to just dip my dry brush in a little red paint then wipe it off on a dry cloth then swirl it where you want the cheeks to be . I like to start light with the red then add more if you want the cheeks to be more rosy ...

Then you need to add his nose .. I like using a liner brush for this ... there really is no wrong way to add a nose just dip your brush in the orange and paint it on .

Adding the eyes is next ! I use a stylus and sometimes the end of a paint brush or even a pencil so you choose! You just want to make two dots and boom your little cutie is coming to life !

Making the mouth is easy use the same technique as you did the eyes just add more dots!

So this part is totally up to you ! I like giving my nose a little out line that’s where the marker comes in I just outline it nothing perfect just a little fun outline around his nose ! now you can embellish it the way you want ... I just tied some ribbon, I added a little Christmas ball and a bell to the Jude cord then I tied into a bow ...You can also add a drop of hot glue to the ribbon so it won’t slide down the spoon!

For the last step I sealed the face with DecoArt dura clear satin varnish and while it was still wet I sprinkled some fine glitter! and you are done ! I hope you enjoy making these they are so cute and really fun to make! This post contains affiliate links. If you chose to purchase something through the link, I will get a small payment from Amazon. It will not affect your purchase price .
These links in this post will help you find some of these items you will need! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000HM8134/?tag=fatimaholland-20
