I love creating home decor projects especially when it's low cost !
This particular one was actually no cost because I had everything on hand!
• recycle a spaghetti sauce jar or anything you want to use as a Vase!
• Brown Paint
• cinnamon
•Artificial stems from flowers you may have, or you can use branches for this too!
• Scissors
• sewing machine

Make your flowers as big as you want them !
I used this plate and this plastic soup container as my patterns.

I picked my material and folded it in half so I could get two when I cut it for the flower ..

I only did one layer for the center ...

I used picking shears for cutting out the flower ...

I used regular scissors to cut out the middle of the flower....

I then sewed the pieces together!
I used this adorable little mini sewing machine I keep handy for small projects so I don't have to use my bigger machine!
It really works great !

Leave an opening so you can stuff .

Don't over stuff...

Once you are done sew the opening shut..

Then with my regular scissors I cut the petals ... I tried to keep them somewhat even ...
It's looking pretty cute already!

With my gel stain ( you can use brown paint ) for this step too!
I just grunged it up some!

I did mix a little cinnamon in there to .... you don't have to ... but I just love that look!

I made 3 following the same steps !
I also dapped a little Elmer's glue on my finger and twisted each of the petals so they would be more grunge and it gives it a cuter look!
I also gave them a light coat of clear spray sealer and sprinkled some copper glitter!

I used some stems I had and I snipped a hole in the back of the flower and added a little hot glue and put them in !
You can do this step with branches if you don't have any stems !
They would look great with them too!

I added some Brown paint and cinnamon to the leaves to !
Then sealed them as well!

They are done and ready to display!

I wanted to recycle this jar so I painted it to resemble candy corn!

I distressed it with brown paint and of course a little cinnamon!
Look how cute it is!

I added a rag bow and there you have it !
I just love this arrangement!
I hope you give it a try !
Decorating doesn't have to be expensive just fun and creative!