I love Trees! Especially these, they are Super Cute and Super easy to make !
I love displaying them everywhere!
Such a nice touch of cheer anywhere you choose!
These are simple and Quick to make....
Supplies needed
• Paintable Wallpaper
• Heavy Cardboard
• Champagne corks you can also use wooden candle sticks or spindles
• Paint I used Green, Red, White and Brown
• Mod Podge
• Bling of your choice
• a little ribbon
• hot glue
• Tree shapes you can draw your own . I used Canva to create my shape then I just created 3 sizes

Here are my Shapes .

I cut my shapes out from my cardboard and my wallpaper.

I went a head and glued my wallpaper on ....you can use Mod Podge or Elmers glue.
I'll put the links to the things I used at the end of this blog.

They already look adorable!

Here are all the colors I used!
The last tree I did give it a coat of white even though the wallpaper is ready that color I still wanted a coat of paint on it.

I put a light coat of Burnt Umber to make it look grunge and then I brushed a light coat of Silver Glitter to give it that sparkle!

I cut a slit in my cork I used a screw driver and hammer to make that slit ....

I then glued them in .

I used a little Spanish moss a little ribbon and some bling!
To embellish the stand!

Decorate your cork or whatever you use as a stand the way you like!

Look how adorable they are!!!!!
I just love these trees!
I hope you give these a try !
Here are the links to some of the things I used!
Paintable wallpaper
Champagne corks
Mod Podge
Post your pictures of your Fabulous Trees on our crafting page over on Facebook!
Creating with The Twirling Feathers
See you there! 😀❤️
