I love ❤️ making grunge Hang Tags !
I make them all the time they are a really good seller for me in my Etsy shop!
So I’m always ordering them .
But the other day I thought I need to make my own .
So I did . I believe this is a really budget friendly project !
Supplies you will need:
• any type of card stock paper or file folders
• pencil
• Scissors
• Grommet set
• twine or string

Once you gather your supples you are ready to create your tags .

I used an existing tag that I had as my pattern .
I traced them out I got about 6 per paper .

I cut them all out .
I actually had an order for 40 tags so that’s what I cut out .
I then used my grommet tool to make a little indentation on my tags so I knew where my grommets would go .

I love this tool! It’s worth investing in one .

This tool is very easy to use .
You end up with very professional looking tags .

They come out perfect each time .

I love that I can make these anytime I need them !

I added my string and they were done .
They are now ready for me to coffee stain them and paint whatever decorative design I need on them .

I love how they came out !

These were some I made the other day !

I love how these tags came out!
They are super quick to make ! ❤️
Once you create them they will be ready for you to grunge them up or paint on them !
These are great to make when you need them quickly !
They are so easy and budget friendly!
I hope you give them a try.
I know you will love this project as much as I do!
Here’s another super inexpensive project for you to try !
You don’t have to spend a fortune to have fun beautiful items to add to your decorating!
It all starts just by using a little imagination and a few supplies!
I’m alway trying to create adorable budget friendly projects and this one is right up there for sure!
I hope you give these Tags a try !
Please make sure you are following us on Facebook for daily inspiration and crafting ideas!
Happy creating!
Grommet Set
Card stock paper