Welcome to our chicken raising blog.
If you are interested in raising chickens, then let me share with you some of the things I have learned so far !
Whether you are a beginner or have experience in chicken keeping, there is always something to learn about these inquisitive funny birds!
I am always looking for fun new ways to raise happy and healthy chickens.
Raising chickens is a rewarding experience that can provide you with fresh eggs, a source of protein, and even entertainment. But it also requires knowledge and effort to ensure your chickens are well taken care of.
Part of raising chickens is selecting the right breed to building a coop, and everything in between.
So, whether you are just starting out or looking to expand your knowledge of chicken keeping, we hope you find our blog informative and enjoyable.
Let's get started on this exciting journey of raising chickens together.

Raising chickens is a fun and rewarding experience that more and more people are getting into.
Not only do chickens provide fresh eggs, but they also make great pets and can help control pests in your garden.
Here are some tips on how to get started with your flock!
Choose the right breed
There are many breeds of chickens, each with their own unique characteristics.
Some breeds are better for egg production, while others are more docile and make better pets.
It's important to choose a breed that is well-suited for your needs and your climate.
Here are some choices of the Best hens for laying .

There are several breeds of hens that are known for their high egg-laying capacity.
Here are some of the best hens for laying:
Leghorn: Leghorns are known for being excellent layers, and they can lay up to 280-320 white eggs per year.
Rhode Island Red: Rhode Island Reds are dual-purpose birds that are great for both meat and eggs. They can lay up to 250-300 brown eggs per year.
Australorp: Australorps are known for their large brown eggs and can lay up to 250-300 eggs per year.
Plymouth Rock: Plymouth Rocks are a dual-purpose breed that can lay up to 200-250 brown eggs per year.
Sussex: Sussex are a friendly breed that can lay up to 250-300 eggs per year.
Orpington: Orpingtons are known for their docile temperament and can lay up to 200-280 brown eggs per year.
When choosing a breed of hen for egg-laying, it's important to consider factors such as temperament, climate compatibility, as well as egg-laying capacity.
Here's some choices for Friendly Breeds..
While it ultimately depends on the individual hen's personality, some breeds of hens are generally known to be friendlier than others.
Some of the friendliest breeds of hens include:
Rhode Island Reds
These breeds tend to be docile, calm, and enjoy human interaction.
However, it's important to note that individual personalities can vary greatly within a breed, so it's always best to spend time with a variety of hens to find the ones that suit your needs ..
Also spending time with your Feathered Friends is extremely important!

Build a coop !
I can’t stress that enough before you get your chickens! They practically grow overnight!
Our Coop has changed over the years this was our first coop and it has gotten bigger over the last few years !
My husband build it and one of the things I highly recommend is having a coop you can walk in ..
I have seen some where you have to pretty much crawl in !
Stay away from those plans..
Its to hard to clean something like that !
I clean my coop pretty much daily and I love that I can walk in and do what I need to do !
Also make sure it is sturdy and your door has a lock on it .
Yes I do decorate my flocks home and I do have a chandelier hanging in there too!

I also did a lot of painting on the walls and I have my girl Esmarelda that helps me keep them in line for sure! 😂

Here is some of the art work in their coop!

I love decorating their home I feel it makes them happy!
Well I should say it makes me Happy! 😃

I believe a coop can be fun and whimsical along with it being functional!

My ducks love it too.. but that’s for another blog in its self !

Esmerelda has helped me over the years !
I dress her up in different outfits throughout the year!
I use flowing outfits to make her move in the wind that helps deters predators from attacking my flock when they are free roaming!

I love my flock they are so entertaining and of course the eggs they provide for us are simply delicious!
I haven’t bought eggs at the grocery store in over 5 years!

I do decorate inside too!

I change out their curtains regularly too!
I love adding things in their coop like this Xylophone to keep them entertained! 😂

I love ❤️ using First Saturday Lime!😀
Around my coop !
It’s safe and It helps fight pesky pests!
I use it once a month it’s such a great repellent!
It’s eco friendly and it’s really easy to use !
It repels a variety of unwanted creatures including Ticks, Fleas, Ants, 🐜 Gnats, and garden pests, wood boring insects and others!
Best of all it repels them without the use of toxic chemicals which can cause damage to humans,pets and the environment!
That’s why I trust this product around all my babies!
I highly recommend making this a staple in your Chicken keeping journey!

Chickens need a safe and secure place to roost and lay their eggs. A coop should be well-ventilated, but also provide protection from predators like foxes and raccoons. There should also be nesting boxes for the chickens to lay their eggs.

I love these nesting boxes !
Link for boxes!
Provide food and lots of clean water
Chickens need a balanced diet that includes both grains and protein.
You can purchase chicken feed at your local farm supply store.
My flock also loves Mealworms!
That is one of their favorite treats!

It's also important to provide fresh water at all times. I also add a little apple cider vinegar to their water !
Give them space
Chickens need room to roam and stretch their wings.
Make sure they have access to a fenced-in area where they can scratch and peck at the ground.
I let my flock free range all the time when I'm home !
They love it !
It helps keep them healthy and happy!
Chickens can get sick just like any other animal. Make sure to keep their coop clean and free of feces.
You may also want to consider vaccinating your chickens against common diseases.
One of the best parts of raising chickens is the delicious eggs they produce. Collect eggs daily and store them in a cool, dry place.
Overall, raising chickens can be a fun and rewarding experience. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can enjoy fresh eggs and the companionship of these feathered friends for years to come.
Here is my Amazon shop link where you can check out all my chicken keeper must haves!
Here's my Feathered Friends Facebook page you can also check out regularly!
Here’s a fun mug that every chicken keeper needs!
